目的:评价头孢替唑钠治疗小儿急性细菌性下呼吸道感染的临床有效性、安全性.方法:轻、中度急性细菌性下呼吸道感染患儿115例分成2组,头孢替唑组58例,予头孢替唑钠20~80 mg/(kg·d),溶于10%葡萄糖溶液中,分2次静脉滴注.头孢哌酮组57例,予头孢哌酮50~150 mg/(kg·d),分二次静脉滴注.两组均以7~10 d为一疗程.结果:头孢替唑钠组与头孢哌酮组的临床有效率分别为93%与91%(P>0.05),细菌清除率分别为92%与89%(P>0.05).两组均无明显的不良反应.结论:头孢替唑可作为治疗小儿轻、中度急性细菌性下呼吸道感染有效和安全的抗生素.
Objective: To evaluate clinical efficacy and safety of ceftezole sodium in treating acute bacterial infections in lower respiratory tract in children. Methods: 115 children with mild or moderate acute bacterial infections in lower respiratory tract were randomly divided into two groups: 58 in ceftezole sodium group, treated with ceftezole in 10% GS at dosage of 10 ~ 40 mg/kg, iv., bid, 57 in cefoperazone group, treated with cefoperazone at dosage of 25 ~ 75 mg/kg, iv., bid. Both groups were treated for 7 ~ 10 days as a course of treatment. Result: The effective rates of ceftezole sodium group and cefoperazone group were 93% and 91% (P > 0.05), respectively, and the bacterial clearance rates were 92% and 89% (P > 0.05), respectively. No visible adverse drug reaction was detected in both groups. Conclusion: Ceftezole sodium can be used as an effective and safe agent in treating children with mild or moderate acute bacterial infections in lower respiratory tract.
Journal of Pediatric Pharmacy
Ceftezole sodium
Cefoperazone sodium
Bacterial infections in respiratory tract
Evaluation of drugs