

Muscle Grafting for Healing Obstinate Pressnre Sore in Paraplegic Patients
摘要 50例截瘫并发坐骨结节处顽固性褥疮,采取彻底切除病灶,用臀大肌或股二头肌肌瓣转移填充褥疮窦腔的方法进行治疗,治愈率92%。此方法可消灭褥疮空腔、丰富局部血供,改善神经对组织的营养作用,是一种短期内治愈截瘫并发顽固性褥疮的好办法。 50 paraplegic patients with obstinate pressure sores were treated with muscle grafting. In the operation, the foul tissue was removed and the cavity was filled with muscle grafts of musculi biceps femoris or musculi gluteus maximus. The results showed that within 15 days after the operation, 92% of the pressure sores healed. Muscle grafting can fill the cavity, increase the local blood supply and improve the innerva-tion of the local tissue. Thus it is a very good method for healing obstinate pressure sore in a short time
出处 《中国康复》 1994年第1期9-10,共2页 Chinese Journal of Rehabilitation
关键词 截瘫 褥疮 肌瓣转移 病例报告 paraplegia obstinate pressure sore muscle grafting
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