Objective To explore the reasonable selection of operative pathw ay, surgical skill, and prevention ofcom plication in superior advanced gastric carcinom a. M ethods 36 patients with superior advanced gastric carcino-m a received radical operation from 1990 to 2004 w ere review ed. Tw enty cases w ith abdom inal incision and 16cases w ith thoracotom y or badom ino-thoracic incision. Results The com parative analysis indicated that abdom inalincision had an advantage in reducing operative injury, decreasing hem orrhage and com plication. Conclusions se-lection of operative pathw ay m ust depend upon trm our conditions. Although abdom inal resection is a securerm ode. but should be paid attention to the indications. On the condition of insuring radical treatm ent, especially forsuch cases of superior gastric carcinom a as non-cardiac part, oesophageal involvem ent≤2cm or Borrm ann I-IItype, abdom inal resection ought to be top-priority.