Former scholars always hold the views that the upper Guantao formation in Zhanhua sag belongs to fluvial deposit.In fact,this viewpoint of being fluvial facies or deposit can not be applied to explain such phenomena as stable distribution of fossil layers,subaqueous sedimentary structure and anticycle structural characteristic,etc.Through comprehensive study on the cores,well logs and geochemical data,the author believes that this upper Guantao formation should be classified as shallow water lacustrine deposit which has been testified by citing a great number of ancient or current cases about four sedimentary characteristics of shallow water lacustrine facies.Especially,a new method for determination the percentage of dark shale in this lacustrine shoreline and more detailed description of the deposit distribution of upper Guantao formation are provided.It is concluded that the discovery of shallow water lacustrine deposit is still a new interim understanding,but the widely distributed thin sand sheet and the lobate bar sands are favorable targets for further petroleum exploration and development.
Xinjiang Petroleum Geology