梁启超不仅是中国近代资产阶级改良主义的思想家和政治家,而且也是中国近代历史学的创始人。梁启 超,作为资产阶级的史学领域的拓荒者,他的史学思想和政治思想一样,在一定的历史时期,曾经起过进步的作用; 但是当时的历史观和政治上的改良主义,又决定了他不可能对科学历史做出真正的科学的研究。
Lian Qichao was not only the thinker and the politician of the bourgeois reformism in modern China, but also the founder of the modern historical science of China. His ideas on the science of history, just like his political opinions, ever played an important and progressive role in a certain period. However he could not engage in scientific study on history because of his ideas on history and his political reformism at that time.
Journal of Daqing Normal University