首先说明了可视化研究在遥感数据处理中的意义,介绍一种面向节点的可视化平台-VIP。基于第四代可视化语言IDL,VIP通过自定义节点实现对遥感数据的快速可视化。最后给出一个实例-遥感图像预处理实验,该实验过程基于VIP 实现了目标检测的可视化。结果说明VIP实现遥感数据快速可视化是一个较好的途径。
The significance of visualization research in RS data processing is explained in this paper. It introduces the VIP-a visualization platform with oriented node. And it gives the sample with RS image pre-processing experiment. The experiment is achieved visualization of target detection based on VIP. As a result,it shows the way with fast RS data visualization processing based on VIP is preferable.
Journal of West Anhui University