
基于角色和CSCL的智能网络协作模型 被引量:1

Intelligent collaborative network learning model based on role and CSCL
摘要 为深入研究智能Agent在开放动态的网络环境中的应用,把角色机制应用到网络学习环境中,提出了一种新型的基于CSCL的智能网络协作模型,给出了智能Agent的结构表示及功能,并从多角色的角度给出了模型中Agent的分类。最后以共同学习活动为例,对Agent之间基于角色的协作过程进行了形式化描述。 In order to deeply study the application of intelligent agents in open and dynamic internet envirment, a new intelligent model is provided, which is based on role mechanism and a network collaborative learning environment is formed. The structure and function ofintelligent agents used in the model are described, and the classification of those intelligentagents in thebasis of multi-rolesis proposed. At last, taking collective learning for example, a formalized description of the collaborative process among agents based on roles is presented.
出处 《计算机工程与设计》 CSCD 北大核心 2005年第4期1078-1080,1092,共4页 Computer Engineering and Design
关键词 网络学习 智能AGENT CSCL 角色机制 network learning intelligent agent CSCL role mechanism
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