《学衡》杂志以“昌明国粹,融化新知”为宗旨,在“昌明国粹”方面,《学衡》派不同意自由派的“弃旧图新”,更不同意激进派的“破旧立新”,而认同于以“存旧立新”、“推陈出新”或“层层递嬗而为新”的新人文主义;在“融化新知”方面,《学衡》派反对“窥时俯仰”、“惟新是骛”,强调摒除西洋文明根据其特殊之历史、民情等为解决一时一地问题而发的部分,而寻求其具有普遍永久性的、真正属于世界的西方文化。在古今中西的坐标上,《学衡》派一方面不同意革命论和进化论,与激进派和自由派相抗衡;另一方面强调变化和发展,因而超越了当时的旧保守主义;在引介西学方面则以全面考察,深及根底,取我所需,抛弃长期纠缠的“体用”框架而独树一帜,成为2 0世纪初中国文化启蒙运动的重要组成部分。
The journal “Xueheng” took it as its guiding line to “propagate the national highlights and absorb the new learning”. To “propagate the national highlights”, the journal disagreed with the slogan to “abondan the old and seek the new” raised by the liberal school or with the call to “break the old and set up the new” cried out by the radical school. Instead, it accepted such neo-humanist ideas as “preserving the old and establishing the new”, “weeding through the old and putting forward the new” or “transforming steadily to develop the new”. To “absord the new learning”, the Xueheng school opposed to “submitting totally to the reality” and “running after nothing but what is prevailing”. They emphatically advocated discarding the part of Western civilization which was adopted to solve the current problems with regard to its distinctive historical and social context and absorbing only the perminent and universal part. Therefore, from a historical and broad perspective, the Xueheng school didn’t accept revolutionism or evolutionism on the one hand, and on the other rivalled with the liberal and the radical school. Moreover, they stressed transformation and development, which made them superior to old conservativism. In their practice, this school made complete investigations and explored the origin before taking what they needed of Western learning, establishing a totally distinctive tradition by getting rid of the traditional practice of “adaptability”. Hence playing an important role in the movement of cultural enlightenment in China in the early 20th century.
Journal of Shaanxi Normal University(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)
the Xueheng school
movement of cultural enlightenment
the liberal school
the radical school
modern conservativism