振兴东北经济必须首先解决好三农问题, 只有这样才能有效保证农业与工业的协调发展,而农业中的一系列问题又有待于财政税收政策的进一步完善。从分析影响东北农民收入的各种因素入手, 进一步剖析现行财税体制中存在的问题, 从而对怎样提高东北地区农民收入提出了体制创新与若干建议。
To make northeast economy prosper, farmer’s problems have to be solved so that the development of agriculture and industry can be coordinated Based on the analysis of different factors that influence northeast farmer’s income, this paper explains some of problems in the finance and taxation’s policy and makes some suggestions for system innovation about how to improve the northeast region’s income
Journal of Shijiazhuang University of Economics