党的十六届四中全会通过的《中共中央关于加强党的执政能力建设的决定》, 主题鲜明,论述深刻, 内涵丰富, 重点突出, 是指导全党担当起执政兴国历史使命的行动纲领, 是对马克思主义党建理论的创新和发展。加强党的执政能力建设, 必须充分认识党的执政能力建设的重要性和紧迫性, 正确把握党的执政能力建设的主要经验、指导思想、总体目标和主要任务。提高党的执政能力关键在于加强党的建设。贯彻《决定》精神, 联系高校实际, 从思想上、作风上、组织上和制度上全面加强高校党的建设, 不断增强领导干部的执政意识, 提高领导水平, 才能更好地完成高校的根本任务。
The Resolution about Enhancing the Party’s Reign Power” proposed by Fourth Conference of 16th Congress of CCP is with unequivocal topic, profound elaborating, abundant connotation and prominent stresses It can guiding the Party to take on its historical mission of performing reign power to prosper our country, and it is the development and innovation of Marxism Party building theory To enhance the Party’s reign power, it is necessary to understand the importance and imminency of reign power building, to properly grasp the experience, guideline and objectives Strengthening the Party construction is critical for enhancing the reign power In order to fulfill the educational works in high education, we must carry out the essences of the “Resolution”, enhance the Party construction in universities from the aspects of idea, style, organization and system, strengthen the reign consciousness of leaders, and promote the administration level
Journal of Shijiazhuang University of Economics