西畴县1986~1992年新发现病人59例,其中男性49 例,女性10例;LL 7例,BL 17例,BB 10例,BT 13例,TT 7例.Ⅰ 5例,型比13.6:1;年龄0—14岁3例.15—44岁41例,45岁以上15例;病期1—84个月,平均20个月.2年以内的52例;畴残Ⅱ级18例.Ⅲ级4例;传染源在家内的17例,家外16例,不明26例;家居在山区32例。
Four hundred and seven new cases of leprosy had been registered for the period of 1986 to 1990 in Hubei Province,with elder mean age,hegher L/T ratio,uneven distribution reievant to the economic situation and more of early cases.The detection of most cases was passive.