MDT 疗程短,至今复发率较低,但对麻风流行的影响报告却不多。广西年平均气温为18~22℃,年平均降雨量为1250~1750毫米,面积23万多平方公里,4200多万人口.有13个民族,辖8个地区,89个县市区。广西麻风流行历史较久。1886年就建成1所麻风院,解放后,于1956年开始防治麻风。治疗,
Ten years after implementation of rate of leprosy decreased from 1,8 to 0.65/ 100,000,the incidence from 1.39 to 0.04/100, counties without leprosy patients have increased from xero to 80.The authors believe that decline of leprosy there was due to the action of MDT and oth- er factors in conert.