文章针对我国行政公开制度的发展障碍问题进行了分析, 然后就“非典”带给我们的沉痛教训以及我国加入WTO后在行政公开制度方面怎样与世界接轨进行了讨论。加强行政公开制度建设, 政府及其公务人员必须有正确的指导思想, 要真正认同并以正确的行政理念为思想前提, 让行政公开制度化建设具有持久的动力。提出应加快立法, 尽快完善我国行政公开制度。
The development obstacle of disclosing the system to the administration of our country has been analysed,lessons brought by SARS and how to integrate the system into the world after entering into the WTO are discussed.Strengthening the administration must have correct guidelines and regard the correct administrative idea,as the thought prerequisite We should put them in the structure of administrative culture to gain ever lasting power for the construction.And we should accelerate legislation to perfect the system.
Northern Economy and Trade