
全球化时代的政府与企业——以两岸经贸关系为例 被引量:1

State and Business in the Era of Globalization: The Case of Cross-Strait Linkages in the Computer Industry
摘要 本文考察了地方激励因素在海峡两岸经济互动中的重要性。作者认为,全球化力量业已改变了政府的权力和海峡两岸经济交往中的政企关系。首先,对于不同水平和不同部门的政府机构,在分析时应当加以区分。其次,与早期的两岸经济交往相比,台湾企业在建立全球化联盟开发大陆市场方面,扮演着更加独立的角色。最后,政治因素仍然在企业与政府的互动发挥着关键因素。 This paper studies the importance of local incentive factors in the economic interactions across the Taiwan Straits. The author holds that globalization has transformed governmental power and the relationship between government and enterprises in the cross-strait economic exchanges. First, any analysis should differentiate government institutions at different levels and in different departments. Second, compared with earlier cross-strait economic exchanges, Taiwan enterprises are now playing a more autonomous role in the global collective effort of exploring the mainland market. Last, politics is still having a critical impact on the interactive relationship between enterprises and government..
出处 《开放时代》 CSSCI 2005年第3期80-91,共12页 Open Times
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  • 7Saskia Sassen, "Cities and Communities in the Global Economy", American Behavioral Scientist,Vol. 39, No. 5 (March/April 1996), pp. 631, 636.
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