
饭店收益管理的定价决策研究 被引量:13

A Study of Pricing Decisions in Yield Management of Hotels
摘要 继2 0世纪70年代收益管理在航空业大量运用并收到良好成效后,收益管理便作为一种先进的管理方法被越来越多的饭店所接受。而在饭店收益管理诸多方面中,价格问题是最为重要、灵活和敏感的,价格决策的成功与否直接关系到收益管理运用的成败。本文以饭店收益管理的定价问题为研究对象,在界定饭店收益管理概念的基础上尝试建立饭店收益管理定价决策模型。 With the application of yield management in airlines and the tremendous achievements yield management application in the late 1970s, yield management h as gained widespread acceptance in the hotel ind ustries as an excellent method of management. Among the elements of yield manage m ent, price is the most important and flexible one. Whether the pricing-decision is right or not is related to the performance of the yield management directly. This paper focuses on the pricing of yield management and attempts to build a pr icing -decision model of hotel yield management based on defining the concept of yie ld management in hotels.
作者 席丽娟 徐虹
出处 《旅游科学》 CSSCI 2005年第2期43-47,共5页 Tourism Science
基金 北京市教委重点项目 (SZ2 0 0 4 10 0 310 0 8)
关键词 收益管理 定价决策 yield management pricing-decision
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