

The Discussion on the Confucius′ Learning Theory
摘要 为了贯彻"科教兴国"战略,创建学习型社会,促进人的全面发展,为全面建设小康社会提供持久的智力支持,继承和发扬中华民族优秀的学习传统显得尤为重要。孔子是中国传统教育、传统学习思想之祖,中国的教育、学习由传统向现代转型,不能绕过孔子。"五四"时期,早期马克思主义者李大钊,在"打倒孔家店"的声浪中,坚持历史唯物主义,对孔子作两点论,即要把"历史的孔子"与"实在的孔子"区分开来。他认为"实在的孔子""于其生存时代之社会","确足为时代之圣哲,其说也是以代表其社会、其时代之道德",我们必须"敬之"、"尊崇之"。孔子死后,成为"历史的孔子",历代统治者都利用他、包装他、强化孔子学说中维护君主政治"护符"的一面,使孔子及其学说愈变愈成为"专制政治之灵魂"。因此"五四"时期,批判"历史的孔子"是完全正确而且非常必要的,是反对封建专制主义、还"实在的孔子"的圣哲真面的革命。本文就是论述"实在的孔子"对中国学习思想的伟大贡献,认为从传统教育、传统学习的视域看,孔子不愧为我们民族的"圣哲"。 In order to follow out the tactic ″to develop our country by the way of Science and Education″, to found a learning society, development in all aspects, and to provide intellectual holdup for the development of a well-to-do society, it seems very important for us to inherent and carry forward the outstanding learning tradition of the Chinese people. Confucius was the ancestor of the Chinese traditional study and traditional learning theory. When we talk about the transformation from the traditional one to the modern one, we can't stray away from Confucius. In the period of ″May 4th″, LI Da-zhao the early Marxian insisted on historical materialism despite of the shouting of ″beat down the Confucius″, and treat Confucius on two different aspects, that is to differ the historical Confucius from the practical Confucius. He believed that the practical Confucius was really the saint and moral of his time for the period that he lived in, while we should respect it and obey it. When he died, Confucius became the historical Confucius utilized and made up by the dominators in all the following dynasties. They emphasized on the theory that monarchy should be stick up for in Confucius, and made Confucius the soul of Caesarism. So it's absolutely right and necessary to criticize the historical Confucius, and it can even be said to be a revolution to object to feudal autarchy and to relocate realistic Confucius as a saint. This article is to discourse on the great contribution of Confucius for the learning theory in China, and I think that Confucius is a true saint of our people in respect of the traditional education and traditional learning.
作者 胡小林
机构地区 枣庄学院
出处 《枣庄学院学报》 2005年第1期5-23,共19页 Journal of Zaozhuang University
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