目的:了解四川省5个新型合作医疗的试点县(市)的农民的卫生服务需求利用情况,分析存在的问题,为进一步制定政策提供依据。方法:采用分层抽样的方法,在各试点县(市)分别抽取9个村,对当地农民进行现况调查。结果:5县(市)农民两周患病率为15 .9%、慢性病患病率为13 .4 %。各试点地区两周患病率、慢性病患病率及两周患病就诊率的差异都有统计学意义(P <0 . 0 5 )。在两周未就诊和年内应住院未住院原因中,经济困难所占比例分别是2 4 .3%和4 5. 4 %。农民就医最经常去的医疗机构是村卫生室和乡(镇)卫生院。结论:应加强试点地区三级卫生网的建设,尤其是乡(镇)卫生院及村卫生站的建设,以满足农民卫生服务的需求以及开展新型合作医疗的需要。
Objective: To know the stutas of the demand and utilization of the farmers in the five testing counties of the New Cooperative Medical System in Sichuan and find the problems in these aspects, so as to provide warrant for constituting relative policiesMethods:9 villages in each testing county were sampled with stratified sampling and the questionnaires were used to investigate The data was analyzed by SPSS 100Results:The present health situation of the farmers in the testing counties is not good, and the economic situation influenced badly the health utilization of the farmersConclusion:The construction of the three-level medical net , especially hospitals in the village and towns, must be strengthened to satisfy the demand of the farmers and of developing the New Cooperative Medical System
Modern Preventive Medicine