弗洛伊德将人的心理结构分为三个部分,即本我、自我与超我。福尔斯认为人类心理结构存在第四维,即“逆某”。逆某与本我、自我、超我共处于同一个人格结构中,但是与“三元素”之间存在本质的不同。逆某虽然是人格结构不可分割的重要组成部分,但它是一种否定性的力量,是“反自我”。它是现代人在面对现代社会和永恒的时空时所产生的自我卑微感和身份的虚无感。福尔斯建议用两种方式来对抗逆某,即顺从和反抗。《捕蝶者》中的克莱格和《魔法师》中的尼古拉斯都选择了反抗。对个体而言, 无论是选择妥协还是选择对抗,其关键在于如何克服逆某的消极状态,利用其积极的能量来源,从而深刻地认识自我,并在纷繁复杂的社会实践活动中实现自我。
Sigmund Freud divides the human psyche into three parts or activities: the id, the ego and the super-ego. John Fowles thinks that each human psyche has a fourth element-the nemo, which coexists with but differs from the other three. It is a constituent part of the self, but it is a negative psychic force, a kind of anti-ego. It comes from one's feeling of trivialness and powerlessness in confrontation with the industrialized modern society and the timelessness of the universe in which modern man lives. Fowles says that there are two principal ways to defeat the nemo: I can conform or I can conflict. Nicholas and Clegg choose to conflict in Fowles's special sense. Any individual will be well on the way to searching for and fulfilling a true self after defeating the nemo by overcoming the passive horror of the condition and utilizing the active source of energy.
Journal of Foreign Languages