Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli O157strain 97094 was cultured in MaConkey agar medium containing nalidixic acid(NA),and NA resistant strains were selected.Conjugation test was performed with suicide plasmid-containing donor strain SM10λpir(with transposon TnphoA) and NA resistant E.coli O157 strain.In about 200 conjugation tests,A total 503 strains produced blue colonies in the LB medium containing Km,NA,and XP.This result showed that the phoA fusion gene was produced and the phoA gene was expressed in these mutants.The adherence of these 503 strains to HEp-2 cells was tested,and 6 of them lost the local adherence to the cells.Each TnphoA insert along with flanking E.coli O157 sequences was cloned.The cloned DNA portion of E.coli O157 was sequenced using the oligonucleotide primer that hybridizes to phoA sequences just downstream of the fusion joint.The sequences were searched for their homology using BLAST.TnphoA was found to have inserted to eae in four mutants,to ycbR gene in one mutant and between the start point and the-10 sequence of Z4182 gene in another mutant.YCBR are a putative fimbrial chaperone required for the biogenesis of the putative YCBQ fimbia,and the function of Z4182 gene is unknown.These data suggest that YCBR and the product of Z4182 gene are associated with adherence of E.coli to epithelial cells in vitro.
Chinese Journal of Veterinary Science