The dissertation is about an exhaustive probe through anthropological fieldwork into the changes of the residential structure of the Hui People in ChengGuan district in Lanzhou City.The result indicate s that four compact communities of th e Hui People' s came into being at the end of the Qing dynasty an d the beginning of the Republic of Chi na.But the structure of the compact c ommunities broke up in the 1990s,with the social develop ment and the movement of nationaliti es,and it has hanged into a new structure where the people of other nationalities moved and settl ed with some Hui People,others moved out and set up new campact communitie s with the Hui People from various places around the distr ict,and the change have still been on.The change of the structure has played a vital important role in the consolidation of the harmonio us unity of nationalities and the maintenance of the social stability and development.But some problems have arisen accordingly due to the change of the structure.To so lve them,the author has put forword s ome new ideas on the formation of the future residential structure of the Hui people in the dis sertation.
Qinghai Journal of Ethnology