Genetic analysis of the interspecific crossability between Brassica juncea and Brassica carinata was proceeded by a method of incomplete diallel. Ten varieties of B.juncea and three varieties of B.carinata respectively acted as female parent and male parent. Results revealed that parent, especially female parent showed great heritable variation in interspecific crossability. Their fertilization ability mainly depented on genotype of female parent and expressed mainly additive effect. It' s narrow-sense heritability was as high as 83.79 percent . The additive effect of female parent and interactive effect of between parents were significant for the developmental capacity of crossed embryo. The developmental capacity of crossed embryo was affected easily by environment and it' s narrow-sense heritabilily was lower. The siliqua setting rate and the lengh of siliqua two of apparent character which reflect interspecific crossability existed penotypic correlation and genotypic correlation with the fertilization rate and the developmental rate of crossed embryo respectively. While syrificant correlation didn't exist between the fertilization rate and developmental rate of crossed embryo.
Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin
Brassica juncea B. carinata Interspecific crossability Genetic analysis