针对野外强噪声S/ N 1条件下,单可控震源地震勘探分辨率不高,提出了多震源相控地震技术,该法通过提高有用信号能量从而提高了地震勘探的信噪比和分辨率。这里给出了可控震源相控阵系统模型,及采用相关技术实现相控震源地震信号检测的原理,并设计了相关用参考信号。仿真结果表明,采用相关检测技术能够有效检测相控地震信号,实验条件下,四震源相控地震能使信噪比提高1 2 .0 4d B,地震勘探分辨率提高7.1 5倍,可见。
In order to improve seismic resolution ratio for single vibroseis under strong noise condition (S/N1), it introduced a new multi-vibroseis phased array seism method. With this way, it was able to increase SNR of seismic signals efficiently. Because SNR is the more important factor to resolution ratio than signal bandwidth when S/N1. So it was a good method to improve resolution ratio. In order to detect the seismic signal from phased array vibroseis, it applied the correlation technique and defined the reference signal. According to the simulation results, correlation is valid for phased array seismic signal. With techniques of fourunit phased array vibroseis and correlation detection method, the SNR of seismic signal increased 12.04dB and resolution ratio improved 7.15 times than single vibroseis method. It concluded that correlation is a appropriate signal detection in phased array of vibroseis system. ©, 2005, Science Press. All right reserved.
Chinese Journal of Scientific Instrument
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