

Various Behaviors at the Eve of Enforcing Direct Sales Law
摘要 “一个行业兴起的机会是千载难逢的历史机遇”,众多行内行外、国内国外的企业和个人视直销如金矿。在直销立法的前夜,暗流涌动。 Li Jimin, a successful person in his career, decided to resign from the COO of a famous IT franchised enterprise to become a full-time salesman of Amway. His decision surprised the people. But Li believes that direct sales will be lawful soon, based on his own observation on the promise China made to WTO. He says,'the rising of a new industry is a very rare chance.'Li hopes to fully unfold his talent and realize his high ambition. Li Jimin left his former employer in December, 2004, it's the most noisy period just before China's direct sales law is officially published. Either old hands or new comers all try to test the water and wish to make their fortune just before the law is enforced. We can see the craziness from the sales breakthrough of Amway. Its sales revenue was swiftly raised to 17 billion yuan in 2004 from 10 billion yuan in 2003, which was more than one third of its global sales revenue. Within one year, active salespeople of Amway in China were increased to 180,000 from 130,000. All the players who believe that China is a great opportunity speed up to enter the new market. Those companies which didn't obtain license are trying alternative ways to set up their sales network and those companies which had already begun their business in China are doing their best to fully develop and consolidate their advantage. But some non-rational trends developed in these enterprises made Amway and other giants worry about the future. Once the direct sales market is fully opened, the situation of mixing good and bad players will make the market more risky. (see p28)
作者 王玮冰
出处 《IT经理世界》 2005年第10期28-33,共6页
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