group of 82 cases of recurrent colorectal cancer following curative resec-tion
was reported in this paper. There were 46 men and 36 women with an agerange from 19 to 75
years and median age of 46. 3 years. The recurrent timeranged from 3 months to 17 years and
median time of 25. 6 months. Recurrenceoccurred in 60 (73. 2%) within 2 years. The recurrence
was mainly local(52. 6%) in rectal cancer and mainiy distant (63. 6%) in colonic cancer.
Localrecurrence was mainly located in the pelvic cavity and perineum (71. 4% ) follow-ing Mile,
s procedure and at the anastomosis (69. 2%) following Dixon proce-dure. The clinical
symptoms were partial or complete obstraction of bowel,bloody stools and mucous in stools.
pain in sacrococcyx, abdominal mass andperineal node or sinus. The positive rate of CEA was
37. 9%. Of the 82 pa-tients , 68 underwent surgical treatment , 14 of 68 patients underwent
potientiallycurative resection ( 17. 1% ) , 12 of 68 patients underwent palliative resection.The
resective rate was 31. 7%. The 3-year and 5-year survival rates were 72.1% and 62. 5%
respectively in curative resection group and in palliative resectiongroup , it was 20. 0% and 11.
1% respectively. For the other procedures such ascolostomy, bypass , and non-surgical
treatment , there were no 2-year survival ,and most of these patients (82%) died within 3 to 12
months , with median sur-vival time of 8. 2 months. The operative motahty was 1. 47% and
operalive com-plicaton rate was 23. 5% in surgical treatment group. Early detection and
diag-nosis is the key to increase the curative rate of recurrent colorectal cancer. Inten-sive
followup is the way to detect recurrent colorectal cancer. Operation forrecurrent colorectal
cancer must be done as early as possible.
China Journal of General Surgery
Colorectal cancer