his paper reports one patient
with Budd-Chiari Syndrome who underwent aradical operation via abdominal approach. The
operation was performed undergeneral anasthesia. After dissection of the perihepatic ligments,
the supra-andinfrahepatic segments of inferior vena cava, and the liver parenchyma which
cov-ered the front of the hepatic veins, the stenosed segment of IVC were demon-strated
clearly. Under total hepatic vascular occlusion, the stenosed segment ofIVC was opened, and a
circular fibrous diaphragm, about 4rnrn thick, was cutunder direct vision , then an
autosapheneous vein patch was implanted to performan angioplasty. The pressure of IVC
significantly fell from 5. 88 kpa to 2.75kpa. The time of normothernuc total hepatic vessel
occlusion was 38 minutes.The postoperative course was uneventful. By the postoperative day,
a IVC an-giography showed that the stenosis of the vessel disappeared.
China Journal of General Surgery