rom January 1983 to January 1992, palliative surgery of 100 cases
of unre-sectable carcinoma of the head of pancreas were performed in the authorsi hospi-tal. In
which, 47 patients underwent hepatic duct-jejunostomy, 37 patients un-derwent the forenamed
anastomosis plus prophylactic gastrojejunostomy, 8 pa-tients underwent
cholecystojejunostomy,and 8 patients underwent extrahe-paticor intrahepatic external biliary
drainage. The operation mortality rate was 6% asa whole. Retrograde cholangitis occurred in 2
(25%) of the cholecystoje-junostomy cases, but occurred only in 5 (5. 9%) of the hepatic
duct-jejunostomypatients .Recurrent jaundice occured in 3 (37. 5%) of the
cholecystojejunostomy cas-es, but only in 7 (8. 3%) of the hepatic duct-jejunostomy cases. 6
cases withouta gastro-jejunostomy eventially occured duodenal obstruction. Prophylactic
gas-tro-jejunostomy didntt increase the operation mortality rate (5. 4% vers 6%).The authors
conclude that in palliative surgery for unresectable carcinoma of thehead of pancreas, hepatico
duct-jejunostomy and prophylactic gastrojejunostomyis the treatment of choice.
China Journal of General Surgery