所有等时线年龄均要求样品具有相同或相近的同位素初始比值。为同源岩套的产物及岩石形成后分子体系统处于封闭状态。如果不能符合上述基本要求,则等时线可能是人为的或混合等时线,从而给出错误的年龄信息。为鉴别Sm-Nd等时线年龄的合理性,可利用同位素参数 、T_(DM)和进行判别。文中利用这三个参数对已发表的Sm-Nd同位素资料进行了分析,提出密集点群和密集度的概念,介绍了判别方法、步骤和Basic源程序。最后通过实例分析,介绍了几种类型的等时线,说明判别方法的有效性。
All isochron methods require that samples have the same or close initial isotopic ratio and arethe product of the comagmatic suite and that the parent-daughter system is in a sealed state afterrock formation。 If the samples could not conform to the above-mentioned requitements , theisochron might be a fictitious or mixed ore ,and an incorrect isotope age would be given, In orderto distinguish the reasonable Sm-Nd isochron from fictitious or mixed ones ,the isotopic parame-ters ,T_(DM) and are intrbduced as judging factors. In the paper the three parameters are usedin analyzing the published Sm-Nd isotopic data ,and then the concepts of the concentrated samplegroup and concentration degree are proposed and the discrimination method , steps and basicsource program are introduced. Finally five examples of reasonable Sm-Nd isochrons and incorrectones are given , which indicates that the discrimination method is effective.
Regional Geology of China