
触觉交互系统中牙齿网格模型被切削过程的图形仿真 被引量:3

Mesh Deformation and Generation to Realize the Graphics Display of Cut Tooth in Haptic Display System
摘要 本文介绍了在牙科手术训练触觉交互系统的虚拟手术环境中,通过构成牙齿的网格变形和剖分实现牙齿被切削时材料去除过程的图形仿真。在虚拟环境中,当工具切削牙齿时,所有进入工具空间范围的顶点都会沿着与工具轴线垂直的方向映射到工具表面,同时这个过程中产生的所有狭长三角片及其相关三角片都会被细分。通过网格变形和剖分算法可以动态的实现牙齿被切削过程的形状变化,图形显示逼真同时没有滞后。 It is introduced the graphics display of cut tooth by mesh deformation and generation in the virtual environment of haptic display system. In virtual environment the tooth and the tool are constructed by triangle-mesh. When operator use tool to cut the tooth, the vertices of tooth mesh which are surrounded by the tool will move to the surface of the tool, and all strait triangles generated in the course of mesh deformation will be fractionized to two or three triangles. By deforming and fractionizing the mesh of tooth, the graphics display of the course of tooth-cutting will be realized factually with no delay.
出处 《系统仿真学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第5期1129-1131,1136,共4页 Journal of System Simulation
基金 国家自然基金资助项目(50275003)
关键词 触觉交互系统 网格变形 狭长三角片 网格剖分 haptic-display system mesh deformation strait triangle mesh generation
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