40 8UL地震采集系统与其它类型的有线遥测地震仪如SN3 88等相比,其有线放炮有着本质的区别。主要表现在有线放炮方式的传输通道及40 8UL数据采集时刻控制等方面。文章对40 8UL有线放炮传输通道、40 8UL与控制器的连接方法、40 8UL启动采集原理等方面进行了介绍,并提出了测试启动延迟时间及监控有线同步精度的方法,这对于正确使用40
408UL is a new type of cable seismic data recording system made in Sercel Inc.There are many differences between it and other types cable telemetry seismic instruments such as SN388. This paper introduces the principle of 408UL line shooting,and gives the methods for measuring encode start delay time and monitoring the synchronous accuracy for line shooting.The function of 408UL line shooting will play an important role in seismic prospecting field.
Petroleum Instruments