
西方报界的小报化思潮辨析 被引量:2

A Deep Probe and Debate Over Western Countries’ Tabloidization
摘要 报化是目前西方国家新闻界里潜行的一股暗流,一些学者认为小报化的出现使严肃媒体向小报的新闻价值观靠拢,促成了新闻界道德的滑坡,并对西方的民主制度造成了极大的危机。而另一些学者则认为不应否认小报的商业成功,认为小报不仅给大众带来了娱乐和享受,更代表了对公共生活的一种轻松的诠释。小报以个人化的案例讲述的正是更普通的社会问题,小报的出现正是满足了受教育程度不高和不富裕的人民的认知需要。 There is widespread disquiet in Western countries among journalists and industry watchers over tabloidization. Some scholars consider tabloidization will make serious media move toward the news value of the tabloids. The consequence of this trend is a journalistic standards meltdown and a serious crisis to democratic system. Other ones agree the commercial success of tabloids and strongly support the view of tabloids bringing entertainment and enjoyment to the public. They also stress the tabloids symbolize an easy illustration of the public life. The tabloids are dominated by the manner in which individual personalities are used and the ways in which they illuminate, or obscure, more general social issues. The rise of tabloidization is actually to help poorly educated and the low social status seek out the perceived existential utility of all news.
作者 林克勤
机构地区 四川外语学院
出处 《四川外语学院学报》 北大核心 2005年第3期107-111,共5页 Journal of Sichuan International Studies University
关键词 小报化 严肃新闻 新闻道德 重新洗牌 tabloidization serious journalism journalism ethics reformulation
  • 相关文献


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