In recent years Chinese philosophical circles have been contending t he controversial issues concerning Confucius's opinion on 'the concealment of f ather and son from each other in a judicial case'and Mencius's comments on Shu n as well as 'varying love according to kinship'. The debate involves the judg ment of both the history and the modern value of Confucian ethics. Confucian eth ics represents a complicated system, in which the balanced coordination exists b etween benevolence and righteousness, benevolence and propriety, benevolence and wisdom. Such concepts as benevolence, righteousness, propriety, loyalty, esteem and faith are social and public by nature, and applicable in the construction o f a healthy public life and social order. Confucians have consistently been emph asizing the difference between individual kindness and public righteousness, and between public area and private space. The benevolence of Confucianism is chara cterized by universality and transcendence. The moral principles embodied in the moral subject are of absolute universality, which can be regarded as the ontolo gical foundation of 'varying love according to kinship'. Confucius's thought o f 'the concealment of father and son from each other in a judicial case'and it s corresponding legal systems just embrace the respect and maintenance of human rights.
Jiangsu Social Sciences