美术界普遍认为 :以“元四家”为代表的元代文人画与宋代院体画为主流的画风大不相同 ,这是蒙元入主中原后给社会带来的全方位冲击在绘画上变异的直接结果。但奇怪的是 ,元代画家的观念和对笔墨的追求与前代并无大异 ,这可以从黄公望所著的《写山水诀》中得到印证。笔者试图通过对该文的分析来管窥元画家。
The painting features of 'Four Yuan Dynasty artists' consumedly differ from those of painters' in Song Dynasty, and art field accept it as the impact of Mengyuan invasion. However, it is odd to see that the painters of Yuan Dynasty had the same pursuit to painting concept and usage of ink as their ex-dynasty. Huang Gongwang proves it in his landscape painting. This article tries to analyze the inheritance and change of Huang's painting..
Journal of Xihua University(Philosophy & Social Sciences)