时域有限差分(FDTD)法和频域有限差分(FDFD)法用于处理传输系统的本征值问题非常有效。本文首先基于二维频域有限差分(2 -DFDFD)法,导出圆柱坐标系中2- DFDFD的一般分析公式,并提供了圆波导中不规则划分网格的相应场量表达式;然后将导出的2- DFDFD分析公式应用于圆波导的传播特性的分析。数值计算结果和理论结果吻合很好,从而证明本文分析思路的正确性。同时,所编制的2- DFDFD程序具有通用性,只要调整边界条件的设置同样适于分析其他柱形金属波导结构。
Finite-Difference Time-Domain(FDTD) method and Finite-Difference Frequency-Domain(FDFD) method are very effective when applied to eigenvalue problems of transmission systems. This paper first gives a general 2-D FDFD method dealing with transmission system of cylindrical coordinates and then uses it to solve the circular metal waveguide. To improve the efficiency, an inhomogeneous grid division is introduced and the formula is derived. The computation results are very agreement with the theoretical results, which indicates the presented method is correct. Simultaneously, the program for 2-D FDFD is compatible to other metal waveguides, if the boundary condition is changed correctly.
Journal of Microwaves