
关于行政评价法制度的研究 被引量:1

Research on Administrative Evaluation System
摘要 建立行政评价法制度是当代西方国家行政法发展的新趋势。行政评价法的概念在各国政府绩效管理的实践中逐步明确化。行政评价法制度以公共利益为价值取向,根据公众满意程度评价行政绩效,具有公共性的基本内涵;程序性是行政评价法的根本属性。在我国导入行政评价法,对于实现政府行政决策科学化,使财政得到充分有效利用,提高行政效率以及遏制腐败等方面具有重大现实意义。行政评价法制度应以效率、成果概念为核心,注重效率与质量、效率与程序的平衡;行政公开是行政评价的本质要求和显著特征,行政评价能够推动公开的深化,促使政府主动公开信息;行政服务向民营化转变是行政评价法制度的目标之一;行政评价法制度的宗旨是实现人民群众广泛参与。 Establishing administrative evaluation system is the new tendency of the administrative law development in modern western countries. The concept of the administrative evaluation system has been clarified in the governments' performance evaluation practice. Administrative evaluation system is based on public interests,and the evaluation of government's performance is based on public citizens' satisfactory degree. Thus it has the basic meaning of publicity.It also has procedural attribute.To set up administrative evaluation system in China,it is of great significances realizing scientific government policies,making full use of finance,enhancing administrative efficiency and ceasing corruption.Administrative evaluation system should lay emphases on efficiency and results,and try to make balance between efficiency and quality,efficiency and procedure at the same time; Administrative openness is the essencial demand and notable character of administrative evaluation,and administrative evaluation system can push forward the administrative openness to depth;Administration service changing to privacy is one of the goals of administrative evaluation;And the final purpose for administrative evaluation is to realize the citizen's widespread participation.
作者 周实 关静
机构地区 东北大学
出处 《行政与法》 2005年第5期43-45,共3页 Administration and Law
关键词 行政评价法制度 公共性 行政效率 行政公开 Administrative evaluation system Publicity Administrative efficiency Administrative openness
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