
黄河流域初始水权配置优先位序初步研究 被引量:8

Preliminary Study on Priority of Initial Water Right Configuration of the Yellow River Basin
摘要 用水浪费和水污染主要缘于水权缺位。为了解决黄河流域部分地区用水浪费与日趋严重的水污染问题,提高水资源的利用效率,实现水资源的可持续利用,以用水目的为标准对各类用水的级别进行了划分,对黄河流域初始水权配置的优先位序进行了界定;按照新制度经济学关于正式约束与非正式约束必须相容的原理,初步研究了黄河流域初始水权配置优先位序的规则。研究分析认为,根据以用水目的为标准确定的初始水权配置优先位序为“确保用水、基本情景用水、高情景用水”,初步确定的初始水权配置优先位序的规则为:当两个以上用水户的用水级别相同,但用水目的不同时,适用以用水目的为标准确定优先位序;当两个以上用水户的用水级别和用水目的均相同时,适用时间优先或地域优先等非正式约束优于无习惯用水权的用水户;当两个以上用水户的用水级别与用水目的均相同,并且均适用时间优先、地域优先等非正式约束时,那么适用先占用原则优于地域优先原则;当两个以上用水户的用水级别、用水目的、适用的非正式约束均相同时,可适用特殊规则。 Water is wasted and polluted mainly because of water right omission. In order to solve the problems of waste water and increasingly serious water pollution in some regions of the Yellow River basin, increase the utilization ratio of water resources and realize the sustainable development of water resources, the paper classifies various water utilization by taking the purpose of utilization as standard, defines the order of priority of initial water right of the Yellow River basin and preliminarily studies the rules of priority of initial water right of the basin based on the principles mentioned in the new system economics of formal and informal restriction that should be compatible with each other. It considers through study and analysis that the order of priority of initial water right of the basin based on the standard of water use purpose is 'ensuring water utilization for life, water utilization for basic production and water utilization for development'. The principle of preliminarily decided priority of initial water right configuration is that when the grade of water use is the same but different in purpose for more than two water users, it can apply the order of priority based on the standard of water use purpose; when the grade and purpose of water use are the same for more than two water users, it can apply the informal restriction of order of priority in time or region; when the grade and purpose of water use are the same for more than two water users, and also are suit to the informal restriction of order of priority in time and region, it can apply the principle of first come first serve and; when the grade and purpose of water use and the informal restriction are all the same for more than two water users, it can apply special regulations.
出处 《人民黄河》 CAS 北大核心 2005年第5期47-49,共3页 Yellow River
关键词 优先位序 配置原则 初始水权 黄河流域 order of priority, principle of configuration, initial water right, the Yellow River basin
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