The susceptibility of 27 strains of Acenetobacter baumannii isolated from the sputum specimens of patients with craniocerebral injury to 14 antimicrobial agents was determined with micro-dilution testing, and the gene sequences of the chromosomal [WTBX]gyrA[WTBZ] gene from these bacterial strains were analyzed by PCR and verified by DNA sequencing. It was found that all these 27 strains of A.baumannii were resistant to ciprofloxacine except the HZ16 strain. The result of sequence analysis demonstrated that also except the HZ16 strain, all strains showed gyrA gene mutations, and the sequence data indicated that there was no mutation of gyrA gene, in HZ16 strain, whose data had been submitted to GenBank under a accession number of AY642140. The gyrA gene mutations of other 26 drug-resistant strains of A.baumannii led to the substitution of Ser-83 by leucine in quinolone-resistance determining region (QRDR). In addition, the sequence data of gyrA gene in HZ28 strain had also been submitted to GenBank with a accession number of AY642141. It is therefore, concluded that gyrA gene mutation is the main cause for the development of drug-resistance to ciprofloxacin in strains of A.baumannii isolated in sputum of patients with craniocerebral injury.
Chinese Journal of Zoonoses