版画作为具有特殊历史背景的画种 ,曾经与油画、国画作为“油、国、版、”三大画种并驾齐驱于画坛。目前 ,由于种种原因版画创作步入沉寂。版画创作在当下的背景下发生了新的流变 :过分关注形式语言 ,技术化倾向、贵族化倾向带来影响力的衰减 。
The print serves as the picture with special historical background,Whether it is once as oil painting, traditional Chinese Painting as “oil, country, edition,” Three is drawn kind greatly. And drive and tend towards the painting circles together。At present, the print is created and stepped into quietly for various reasons。The print is created and taken place under the background instantly new theology:Pay close attention to the form language excessively, technicalization is inclined to the noble decay,and intension spirit is flat to be exhausted.
Journal of Nanping Teachers College