韵律操是高校女生普遍喜爱的运动项目之一 ,而中长跑是高校女生较难完成的耐力项目 ,因此本文就如何以韵律操为辅助教材在体育课中以轻松、愉快的运动来提高大学生的耐久能力 ,以增强女生的身体素质 ,培养坚强的意志品质的问题提出探讨。
Rhyme-exercises is one of popular sports games among college girl-students. While it is difficult for college girl-students to complete their long-medium-distance running, an endurance game. This article discusses on how to improve students' endurance, to strengthen girl-students' health quality and to train their strong will and character used rhyme-exercises as aid teaching material in PE course in a relax and pleasure way.
Journal of Nanping Teachers College