改革开放中 ,为摆脱姓“资”姓“社”的困扰 ,全面启动社会主义现代化 ,邓小平提出了“发展才是硬道理” ,使中国经济社会发展出现了深刻变革。根据社会主义现代化发展的要求 ,十六大进一步提出了“发展是党执政兴国的第一要务” ,将发展贯穿于党执政的全过程。发展 ,从“硬道理”到“第一要务” ,使中国实现了社会的基础性变革和现代化的同步发展 ;完成了对旧体制的解构和确立了科学发展观 ;
In order to get rid of the puzzle about capitalism and socialism, fully start the socialist modernization process, Deng Xiaoping prompted that “development is the fundamental principle' and require to implement the development into socialist modernization honestly during the period of reform and opening. Based on this theory, that “development is the top priority in governing and rejuvenating the country' was further developed in the sixteenth National Communist Party Congress. In this congress, development has been putting through the whole party in power process. The development, which from “the Fundamental Principle” to “the Top Priority”, makes China realize the social fundamental revolution and start its modernization truly. It also realizes the disintegration of the old system and establishes the scientific developmental outlook; realizes the perfect integration on subjects between the time and being in power.
Journal of Nanping Teachers College