一、城市发展概况和特点 (一) 基本情况 四川现有建制市19座。按不同统计口径的城 市人口规模结构如表1。若以中心建成区人口总数定义城市规模,四川有特犬城市2座、中等城市2座,其余15座为小城市。
Based on the present situations and characteristics of urban development of Sichuan province, the existing problems is analyzed from the viewpoint of the scientific concept and socio-eonomic function of the city, and the development orientation and concrete measures for the urban construction are put forward. In addition, some suggestions are made for guiding the construction of com-pound urban(or urban groups), which is not encouraged in China,and setting up the Urban Management District in place of the current system of coexistence of the city under the jurisdiction of the provincial government with prefecture.
Areal Research and Development