

The Kinetic Fluctuation of CytotoxiC CD8+T Cells Specif-ic for SIV in Macaea rhesus Inoculated with BV-SIV sub-unit Vaccine
摘要 用人EBV转化恒河猴的自体B淋巴细胞,再以表达SIV不同抗原成分的重组痘苗病毒VAC-SIVenv、VAC-SIVgag感染,制备51Cr释放试验的靶细胞。恒河猴于制备B淋巴细胞30d后,皮下接种BV-SIVenv亚单位疫苗,每只动物1mL于强化免疫后的30、60、90d,从动物四肢内侧静脉采血,分离淋巴细胞,采用51Cr释放试验检测动物体内的CD8+Tc的动态变化。结果:19只免疫恒河猴中,有3只于强化免疫后呈现明显的CD8+Tc特异性细胞免疫反应,对靶细胞的杀伤活性在16.7%~20.2%之间,井可在体内维持3个月之久;在靶细胞数量不变,渐次增加效应细胞时,免疫细胞的CD8+Tc的杀伤活性随数量增加而增强。从而证明该SIV亚单位疫苗可使部分(16%)免疫动物产生较好的特异性细胞免疫反应。 Autologous B-lymphocytes of Macaca rhesus transformed with EBV wereinfected with VAC-SIVgag or VAC-SIVenv that makes each product of SIV-gag or SIV-env,and prepared as targets for the 51Cr release assay。 The rhesus monkeys were sub-cutaneously inoculated with BV-SIVenv subunit vaccine at a dose of l mL per animal 30 davs later after successful preparation of the B-lymphocytes。Peripherial blood was col-lected from the veins of their limbs by 30,60 and 90 days after booster inoculation。 Lymphocytes were separated and used for evaluating the kinetic fluctuation of cytotoxic CD8+T cells in inoculated animals by 51Cr release assay。What we observed from this study was that 3 out of 19 animals inoculated with this vaccine showed apparent re-sponse of CD8+ T cells specific for SIV after booster,The specific killing activity of cy-totoxic CD8+ T cells to autologous targets ranged from 16.7%to 20.2%and retained about 3 months,The KIlling activities of cytotoxic CD8+ T cells derived from inoculated animals were strengthened according as the amount of targets were added,which sug-gesting that this SIV-subunit vaccine is able to induce strong cellular immune responses specific for SIV in immunized animals(16%)。
作者 史元元
出处 《中国兽医学报》 CAS CSCD 1994年第4期369-372,共4页 Chinese Journal of Veterinary Science
基金 WHO爱滋病研究和人员培训基金
关键词 疫苗接种 靶细胞 SIV HIV 疫苗 恒河猴 CD8^+Tc target SIV HIV subunit vaccine Macaca rhesus CD8+Tc cellular immune responses 51Cr release assay
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