

Dynamic Allocation Management of Organizational Knowledge Based on Special Knowledge
摘要 组织知识配置是一个动态的过程,其配置的基础是组织成员的专有知识。组织知识的合理配置与管理有助于实现组织知识存量的扩大和组织知识创新能力的提高,使组织能够保持持续的竞争优势。现实中,组织知识配置存在一定的障碍因素,分析这些因素,探讨组织知识合理配置的措施具有现实意义。 Allocation of organizational knowledge is a dynamic process with special knowledge of its members as its base. Reasonable allocation and management helps expand such knowledge and promote its innovative capacity, and keep sustained competitive advantages. There are obstacles in reality. It is important to analyze these factors and try to find measures for its reasonable allocation.
作者 陈萍
出处 《西北民族大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 北大核心 2005年第2期36-39,72,共5页 Journal of Northwest Minzu University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)
关键词 组织知识 配置管理 动态 知识创新能力 知识配置 合理配置 组织成员 知识存量 竞争优势 障碍因素 Organizational knowledge special knowledge allocation of organizational knowledge knowledge mutual sharing
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