关注人类健康是2 1世纪国际社会的共同主题,“健康教育”作为一种新的理论、策略和干预方法,将为人类带来更多的健康和幸福,而学校是实施健康教育的重要领域。文章通过探讨体育与健康教育的关系,阐明了体育对健康教育的重要作用,进而对高校公共体育课教学改革提出几点建议。
Focusing on health problerm is a common topic for human society in the 21st century,as a new concept,strategy and method,health education will bring people more health and happiness,while schools are important fields in which such an education is fulfilled.Through exploring the relationship between P.E. to health education,this article clarifies the importance of P.E. to health education,and makes some suggertions to reformation in colleges and universities P.E. teaching.
Hubei Sports Science