
欧亚和北太平洋“地区”安全的新维度——以上海合作组织为例 被引量:3

A New Dimension of “Regional” Security in Eurasia and the North Pacific: The Case of the Shanghai Cooperation Orga-nization
摘要 上海合作组织(SCO)起源于20 世纪90 年代冷战结束后的中国、俄罗斯和三个中亚国家的边界谈判,其目的是要在冷战后时代建立起敌对国家之间的多边伙伴关系。文章在详述SCO的前身———“上海五国”的起源及其发展的基础上,阐述了SCO的经验和理念对欧亚和北太平洋“地区”安全所具有的启示:SCO构建起的伙伴关系是对手之间的“和平缓冲器”;SCO构建起的多边伙伴关系和多边主义理念是应对那些“非国家的”和跨国的“新威胁”的重要典范。SCO在未来将继续发挥其维持地区安全和稳定的作用,但目前好像还只是构建一个欧亚和北太平洋地区版本的欧安组织的第一步,其未来的发展值得我们进一步研究和关注。 The Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) originated with the border negotiations among China, Russia, and the three central Asian countries in the 1990s. One of the SCO’s goals is to create a multilateral “partnership” among the formerly hostile countries in the post-Cold War period. Based on the specifications of the origins and development of the predecessor to the SCO, the so-called “Shanghai Five,” the author examines the implication of the SCO for post-Cold War Eurasian and North Pacific security. First, as a kind of “buffer” between antagonists, the SCO’s “partnership”—neither enemy nor friend —— was most applicable to Russo-Chinese relations in Asia as well as to Russia-NATO rela-tions in Europe, just as the two parties declared that the “partnership” is neither an alliance nor against any third party. Se-cond, the multilateral partnership and the concept of multilateralism developed by the SCO is a new model of regional cooperation against the non-state and trans-state “new threats.” The SCO will continue to play a role in maintaining regional security and stability. However, at present it seems to be only the first step in constructing a European style “Or-ganization for Security and Cooperation” for the Eurasian and North Pacific region. Its future development is worthy of further attention and investigation.
出处 《世界经济与政治》 CSSCI 北大核心 2005年第5期65-69,6,共6页 World Economics and Politics
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  • 2Bates Gill, "Shanghai Five : An Attempt to Counter U. S. Influence in Asia?" Newsweek, Korea, May 4, 2001.
  • 3A. lwashita, A Journey of the Sino-Russian Border: 4 000 Kilometers, Sapporo, 2004.
  • 4C. Menges,"Russia, China and What's Really on the Table," The Washington Post , June 29, 2001.
  • 5Bates Gill, "ShanghaiFive : An Attempt to Counter U, S. Influence in Asia?" Newsweek, Korea, May 4, 2001.
  • 6A. Iwashita, A Journey of the Sino-Russian Border: 4 000 Kilometers, Sapporo, 2004.


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