
制度要素的有机组合:寻租理论评价的一种新的视角以金融押运行业的制度变革为例 被引量:2

Dynamic Combination of Institutional Factors and the Rent Seeking Theory: A Case Study of the Institutional Reform in the Treasury Transportation Industry
摘要 The rent-seeking theory has its unique explanatory power, but it is not spared with limitations. The author used a case in the treasury transportation industry to discuss the limitations of the rent-seeking theory and, on the basis of the capital asset combination theory as well as the neo-institutional economy, proposed dynamic combination of institutional factors as a new perspective. It was contended that, any institution being an important factor, such factors combined would impact the profit or risk outcomes of business activities. Therefore, enterprises would be motivated to apply the method of combining factors in production to the institutional sector, i.e., trying to dynamically combine institutional factors in order to enhance profits and reduce risks associated with their activities. The rent-seeking theory has its unique explanatory power, but it is not spared with limitations. The author used a case in the treasury transportation industry to discuss the limitations of the rent-seeking theory and, on the basis of the capital asset combination theory as well as the neo-institutional economy, proposed dynamic combination of institutional factors as a new perspective. It was contended that, any institution being an important factor, such factors combined would impact the profit or risk outcomes of business activities. Therefore, enterprises would be motivated to apply the method of combining factors in production to the institutional sector, i.e., trying to dynamically combine institutional factors in order to enhance profits and reduce risks associated with their activities.
作者 张茂元
出处 《社会》 北大核心 2005年第3期148-166,共19页 Chinese Journal of Sociology
关键词 制度变革 理论评价 制度要素 行业 金融 视角 寻租 组合 有机 rent-seeking theory, institutional factors, dynamic combination
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