体育教学是一门让学生身心都得到充分锻炼和发展的学科,做为一名体育教师,在提高学生身体健康水平的同时, 更应该通过体育锻炼加强对学生心理素质的培养,学生的心理健康水平程度的高低直接影响着其生理和健康状况及学习的态度与成绩,甚至影响学生日后的个性成熟与发展。
P. E is a course to help students develop fully mentally and physically. While improving str-dents' health physically,a P. E teacher is supposed to strengthen stuents' mental quality by means of physical exercise. For a student's mental health level is directly related to his or her physical health state as well as studying spirits and grades. It even affects his or her personal maturity and development in the future.
Journal of Jinzhu University of Guiyang