Growth dominated the landscape of the global petrochemical industry in 2004, primarily characterized by the robust increase in the demand for oil products, huge hikes in the profits of multinational oil companies, continued moderate increase in the ethane production capacity (Asia registered the biggest increase in the ethane production throughout the world), concentration of the global petrochemical production towards the Middle East area, steady investment in the Southeast Asia region, emergence of Sabic as one of the world's biggest petrochemical companies, the involvement of more strategic investors, financial investors and private investors in the M&A activities, and the increase in the extent of M&A by multinational oil companies. In 2004, China scored sustained growth in the consumption of petrochemical products, with new records set in the production and major import indicators; noted increase was achieved in the investment in the construction of ethane facilities, with 390,000 tons of new production capacity added to the existing one; foreign petrochemical producers' accelerated penetration of the Chinese market, coupled with robust growth of private companies, resulted in diversified market players within the Chinese petrochemical industry; the policies of export tariff reduction/exemption lowered the risks for export- dependent companies; great breakthroughs were registered in the biomass deep-processing. Under the favorable internal and external economic environment, the Chinese petrochemical industry will keep moving down the path of sustained and robust development, with continued increase to be registered in the petrochemical production and demand for such products, but the growth rate of the entire sector might be lower than that of 2004.
International Petroleum Economics