
栗疫病菌低毒性病毒(CHV1)分子序列的多态性 被引量:1

Polymorphism of nucleotide sequences in Cryphonectria hypovirus 1(CHV1) from China, Japan, and Italy
摘要 为了探明欧洲栗疫病菌低毒性病毒(CHV1)病毒的起源,采用序列测定方法对来自中国、日本和意大利的30个CHV1的遗传多样性进行了分析。测定了所有病毒的部分序列,根据测序结果可将其分为29个单元型,分属于3个不同的亚型:中国菌株的病毒群体归属于亚型Ⅰ和Ⅲ;日本病毒群体除Ja55属于亚型Ⅲ外,其余属于亚型Ⅱ;意大利病毒群体除IT192属于亚型Ⅰ外,其余都属于亚型Ⅲ。中国CHV1病毒群体的地理分布特点为:亚型Ⅰ主要分布在长江以北,其中只有09344(来自湖南)例外;而亚型Ⅲ主要分布在长江以南,但09228(北京)、09235(北京)、09277(辽宁)例外。这不同于欧洲主要以一种亚型为主的情况,表明各群体之间存在着一定的基因流动。本研究的结果表明中国CHV1病毒群体的遗传多样性比日本群体和意大利群体都丰富。 A total of 30 hypovirus isolates (CHV1) of Cryphonectria parasitica from China, Japan, and Italy were analyzed by partial nucleotide measurement for ORF A in the virus genome to reveal the origin of CHV1 in Europe. By partial nucleotide measurement, these viruses can be divided into 29 different haplo- types, which group into three subtypes. The viruses from China belong to subtypesⅠand Ⅲ, whereas the viruses from Japan belong to subtype Ⅱ except for Ja55 of subtype Ⅲ, and the viruses from Italy were of subtype Ⅲ except for IT192 belonging to subtypeⅠ. SubtypesⅠand Ⅲ are widely distributed in China whereas in Europe only one subtype is spread widely. SubtypeⅠviruses in southern China are bounded by the Yangtze River except isolates 09228 and 09235 from Beijing and 09277 from Liaoning Province, whereas subtype Ⅲ viruses occurred in northern China except for isolate 09344 from Hunan Province. The results suggest that gene flow occurred among the hypovirus populations and also revealed greater diversity in CHV1 populations from China than in those from Japan and Italy.
出处 《生物多样性》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第3期232-238,共7页 Biodiversity Science
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(30370918)
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