This study attempts to validate a Written Discourse Completion Test (WDCT) used in measuring the interlanguage pragmatic knowledge of Chinese EFL learners. A WDCT paper consisting of 12 request situations was carefully developed for this study. Development procedures included exemplar generation, likelihood investigation, metapragmatic assessment, and pilot study. A holistic rating rubric using a five?point Likert scale was developed and administered to 89 Chinese EFL learners. The WDCT papers were rated by two native speakers of English. Results show that the test items were significantly different in terms of difficulty and no item was found to be misfitting. The raters were found to have good internal self?consistency although they exhibited significant difference in severity. The probability curves for the 5 categories of the rating scale were shown to have distinct peaks and appeared as an evenly spaced series of hills. Generally, the rating scales of the rubric used in this study worked basically well for their purposes.
Modern Foreign Languages