这是一家中国方便面行业中成长最快的企业,短短5年时间里,它从无到有、从小到大;在刚刚结束的2004年里,其与康师傅的合资创出行业中第一次最大融资并到最后实现绝对控 股,被业内人士认为是中国方便面行业中的最大的赢家。这就是著名的民营企业河北中旺集团。在经历了一路风尘的闯关斩将之后,被誉为方便面行业中“奇迹”的中旺集团,还会有什么新的举措呢?
This is the most rapid enterprise in the industry of instant noodle domestically. Within five years, it hasdeveloped from nothing to something, from being small to being large. In the past year, it realized the largest financing in the industry through joint investment with Kangshifu and finally held the absolute shares,which is considered as the largest winner in the industry of instant noodle in China. This is Hebei Zhongwang
Group, a prestigious privately-owned enterprises.
Food global industry